User Interaction Specialist

Since 1998 I have been developing, testing and optimizing User Interaction Designs with a special focus on Intuitive and Simplistic Graphical User Interfaces (GUI).

Many of my designs and concepts have been copied and implemented in some of the most used computer- and mobilescreen systems in the world, like iOS (fluid background image), Windows (minimalist flatmap GUI) and YouTube (autoplay, playlist, darkmode, theater-centermode, minimalist flatmap GUI, buffer- and seekbar).

You most likely use my Interaction Designs every day of your life without knowing it.

GreendowsXP 2009/2010, precursor to modern Windows 10
GreendowsXP 2009/2010, precursor to modern Windows 10
GreendowsXP (2009/2010) precursor to modern Windows 10.

User Friendly GUI Design

Having worked with computer systems since "forever", it is my ideal that the end-user must always be offered the best of the best in both Performance and Ease of Use, no matter what computer system or hardware configuration.

What I offer clients, and you as the end-user, is Optimized User Interaction and GUI. I care very little for "what looks flashy".

My single goal is to optimize the Graphical User Interface in such a way that is most easy and relaxing to use.

The end user ("you"), should always be able to accomplish the task and reach the goal, with as little mental and physical energy expense as possible.

It is my experience, having worked with computer systems since the days of PC 8086 and Amiga 68000, that enables me to develop and design some of the best User Friendly Interaction Designs in the world today.
